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Welcome to Life Change Coaching

Why Coaching?

Business or personal life coaching can help you in four distinct ways.

  • Coaching will help you CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS. If you're just starting a business, want to make a change in your career or life's direction, we can help. We can assess your skills and natural abilities to answer the questions, "Can I really do this?" and, "Do I have the tools?"
  • Coaching will help you DETERMINE YOUR DIRECTION. If you're just not sure which way you should be heading, we can help you get clear about moving in a direction where you will feel motivated and capable.
  • Once you've worked on the path you will take, you and your coach will SET YOUR GOALS. These are definite, concrete steps to get you moving in your chosen direction. That ultimate goal might take a long time, so we will work toward setting goals you can achieve in the meantime, and plan for how long it will take to reach that ultimate goal.
  • While you're working toward your goal, coaching will help you KEEP YOUR FOCUS. Distractions from inside and out can keep you from reaching the place you want to be. We can help you minimize those distractions and overcome the obstacles life inevitably throws at you.

Our single goal at Life Change Coaching is to empower you to reach your goals and live out your dreams, whether in business or practice, or in your personal life.

If you're ready to make an appointment, click the Contact Us button above to email Life Change, and we will be happy to partner with you. If you'd like more information on what to expect and how we can work with you, click "What To Expect" at the top of the page, and we'll take you to more information about us and how we can help you.